Holy hand grenade fallout new vegas
Holy hand grenade fallout new vegas

holy hand grenade fallout new vegas

If the player originally did not chose the Wild Wasteland trait, but later switched to it using the Auto-Doc in Old World Blues before taking the mini nukes, then the Holy Frag Grenades can still be obtained. Players without the trait will find two mini nukes in the location instead. It will only be available to players that have the Wild Wasteland trait. Three Holy Frag Grenades are located in the basement of the church in the eastern part of Camp Searchlight, guarded by two golden geckos. The inner 23 feet of the blast zone will be irradiated at a level of 5 rads per second, but the radiation should dissipate after about 10 seconds. Characters with Splash Damage or Loose Cannon will have a difficult time escaping the blast. The grenades also have a positively enormous blast radius, comprising just over 70 feet. This being said, the grenades deal a whopping 800 damage, but require no skill and little Strength to use effectively. When detonated, Holy Frag Grenades explode in a manner similar to a mini nuke. They look similar to a normal frag grenade, but bear a painted-on white cross.

Holy hand grenade fallout new vegas