Mod motogp 17 pc
Mod motogp 17 pc

mod motogp 17 pc

We don't apply downsampling on HD TV on PS4 Pro, but we're planning to update the HDR support quite soon and to improve graphics detail too. On PS4 Pro the game runs at 2560 X 1440, with even more stable 60fps. We've worked to support PS4 Pro, in terms of higher resolution, and basic HDR support, but we're still working to improve after day one, with a more detailed HDR, in order to jump from it being just ‘better on PS4 Pro’ to being ‘way better on PS4 Pro’. PC will offer unlocked or locked frame rate - it’ll be down to the player. Locking frame rate would just default on the "worst case", unlocked frame rate instead is used by all racing titles because it allows to get the best in all conditions. On consoles, frame rate is not locked, because in some situations, say like massive crashes, the platforms offer some brilliant supports to minimize issues. MotoGP 17 will also offer basic HDR support at launch, though it will be improved via future updates.

Mod motogp 17 pc